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Previous Projects

Here are some of the explainer animations I worked on with development organizations and research projects. These are the only ones that are available online and I am permitted to share. Most others were created for internal organizational use. Please contact me for a more extensive portfolio.

Action Aid- "Safe City For Women" campaign

Client: ActionAid Bangladesh

Created by: Film Noir

Animator: Naima Alam

Illustrator: Syed Salman

This was an awareness video for women's rights issues aired on Bangladesh's local television channels.

T Shirt Story

Client: International Finance Corporation (IFC) PaCT Project

Animator and Illustrator: Naima Alam

This animation was used to supplement a presentation about IFC PaCT's work in the Bangladeshi textile sector. The video was played at PaCT I closing and PaCT II launching ceremony held on 30 September 2017.


Client: Channel I, Projonmo Agami

Created by: Film Noir

Animator: Naima Alam

Illustration: Omar Mohammed and Naima Alam

This animated explainer was part of a youth awareness show called Projonmo Agami. The video explained the connections between dopamine production and addiction.

IOM Pre-departure Animated Film- "Bahadur Jabe Bohudur"

Client: International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Created by: Film Noir

Animators: Naima Alam, Saleh Sobhan, Rehman Sobhan

IIllustrators: Zulkarnyne, Shownak Chakma, Hamid Bhuiyan, Farzana Rahman Munni, Raihan, Rocky, Omar Faruq, Shadhin, Imtiaz

This explainer video was produced for IOM as part of a pre-departure awareness program for Bangladeshi skilled labor travelling abroad.

© 2024 Naima Alam

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